I've worked at Nerv for over a year now, its hard to believe I ever got a job animating and graphic designing along side some of the most talented, smartest, good looking individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. That would sound like a recommendation and a credit to their ability but i really don't meet that many people so singing their praises may be a little premature. Premature. Too early in the blog for a seaman joke?......Nah.
Either way a lot of what I've been doing at Nerv I can't show for legal reasons, KFC would be pissed, but below are a bunch of flash tests and pictures I made over the last year, once my site is live I'll post them in their full interactive glory but for now this'll have to do.

These three images were going to be used for interactive pieces for our website, though they were never finished...

This piece is awesome! Coded by a fine programmer and all round true gentleman;Oliver Woodhouse. This will be on my live site soon, when you move the mouse left and right it changes the time of day making the clouds and shadow move, its sweeet, this was around the time I started to see how cool it was to design and draw stuff and watch it come to life through a whole new level of interactivity and code that I'll never fully understand.

This was the Nerv animated Christmas card for last year. The full flash movie will be online soon, maybe in time for christmas. Who knows.

These were more website ideas that never saw the light of day, I'd still like to use and animate them one day...
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