Sunday, 25 October 2009
A Scanner Darkly

Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Action For Children

We made an animated viral for the children's charity Action For Children, i animated and designed the entire main animation along with the terrifying talented Robin Fisher, women want him and men want to be him, a true legend. He made me write that, we actually just sat around and drank tea coming up with ideas and I animated it all, still, team effort. either way you can view it by clicking the above header/text where it says 'Action for Children.'
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Toast or graffiti
Website update

The old one....

The new one....
He's a little Sketchy

I have hundreds of random character sketches and doodles, here I cut and paste my favourites of recent months and stuck them all together, that's why they look more like collages then proper composition pieces...

my version of a joint smoking Ryu from street fighter.

Photoshop brushes are awesome, you can create so many different styles, its infinite...

This was a real life sketch I made before a party when i was pretty wasted, its sick and in bad taste but always makes me laugh, if this offends anybody i apologise......pussys!

This was concept art for a side scrolling iPhone game in the same vain as 'Dead Space' I may bring it back to life when i start making xbox live indie games, a blog all about that will follow soon.....

Unity Wars is an MMO created by Willy 'Shayde' Reeves, a genius programmer from New Zealand who i had the pleasure of working with, this is some concept art for the text and logo as we were going to update the whole thing and stick it on the iPhone

inspired by donnie darko, not the guy with guns, he's just cool

Nerv iPhone logo, the nerv logo you see on screen is taken from an ident made for the main website by me.
During my time at Nerv i was heavily involved with the development of iphone games, below is some links to some of our titles, all of which are available to download from iTunes.
The two games I did graphics and animated for was Taxi Jam and Bongo Fever, the below links will take you to their main homepages where you can also see the trailers which i made for each:
Here are some screens from the new levels included on the multiplayer update for Taxi Jam, the new maps are Tokyo (complete with Godzilla) and Sydney, the update also features a multiplayer co-op mode which kicks ass, as I find the the game so damn hard having a chum to help comes in handy.

When I was tiny, like 6, I used to design computer games on scrap pieces of paper and send them off to games companies, they never wrote back. Needless to say I've been dreaming of doing this stuff since the early age of binge drinking Calpol and eating Rusks. To be involved in these projects and to make a game as a team which relies on graphics that i made is unbelievable, if I had told my younger self one day we would be animating and designing games that people would pay money for and would be seriously reviewed by professionals, I'm sure i would have freaked out and somehow fucked things up by now, I'm glad i didn't cos its working out so far. Sorry i said fuck.
We had lots of game ideas that never came to fruition, below are some concepts from games I designed for but we never made, this is like the cutting room floor, this blog was made so i could showcase this kind of stuff without it being completely forgotten, get used to seeing a lot of the unused crap and designs i do on here...

'Rex-Treme' was a stunt man mini game I designed for the iPhone though the project was abandoned, I'd like to say it was never finnished due to some kind of dramatic reasons but it was something dull like we didnt make enough money, but lets say it was becuase we lost a programer in a chemical fire, thats way cooler. Either way the project may well be resurrected when the time is right.

we don't really have lawyers, but we have a Pert, and if we send him round your gonna be screwed in all kinds of ways. A simple probing or sexual harassment, you'll decide. If you don't know who Pert is it means your not cool enough.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009

I've worked at Nerv for over a year now, its hard to believe I ever got a job animating and graphic designing along side some of the most talented, smartest, good looking individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. That would sound like a recommendation and a credit to their ability but i really don't meet that many people so singing their praises may be a little premature. Premature. Too early in the blog for a seaman joke?......Nah.
Either way a lot of what I've been doing at Nerv I can't show for legal reasons, KFC would be pissed, but below are a bunch of flash tests and pictures I made over the last year, once my site is live I'll post them in their full interactive glory but for now this'll have to do.

These three images were going to be used for interactive pieces for our website, though they were never finished...

This piece is awesome! Coded by a fine programmer and all round true gentleman;Oliver Woodhouse. This will be on my live site soon, when you move the mouse left and right it changes the time of day making the clouds and shadow move, its sweeet, this was around the time I started to see how cool it was to design and draw stuff and watch it come to life through a whole new level of interactivity and code that I'll never fully understand.

This was the Nerv animated Christmas card for last year. The full flash movie will be online soon, maybe in time for christmas. Who knows.

These were more website ideas that never saw the light of day, I'd still like to use and animate them one day...
Sunday, 11 October 2009

This was made playing around with brushes in Photoshop.

This is concept art for a game we were developing at work for the IPhone.

This is some random character design i made, I'm going to have a more dedicated section for character design on the new upcoming website.

This was a wallpaper i created, I'm going to start doing artwork for tshirts and print stuff online, i like this style and hope to knock out some things like this. Should be good.
E Sting

I took part in this years E4 Esting competition, unfortunately it didnt get in but you can still check it out right here
Noise Festival
It was used along with many other student's work from around the country in the main flyer adverting the event, here is the festival's final poster where you can see the 'Dead Tree' picture I made on the left hand side right underneath where it says 'Noise Festival.'

Below is the chosen 'Dead Tree' picture for frame of reference.