Thursday, 18 November 2010

Friday, 17 September 2010

Nerv Motion Graphics

At Nerv I've been putting together some new After Effect techniques to show off on our site.
Here's some screen shots from the final video, which is still being edited and cut together.

As an animator and Illustrator its nice to fool around in After Effects sometimes, its very different messing about with filters and controls to create sweet HD video. At Nerv I get to do all sorts, its awesome!

I really like the flowery Ident bit, sometimes you follow tutorials and use plug ins but this selection of screen shots are all made from me just fiddling with stuff and are more unique then other motion graphics you see ripped off from Video Co-pilot, i loved the colours on the Ident image, its really groovy. Fuck I can't believe i said groovy, this blog is really losing its edge. Next week its spin art with dead baby kittens, that'll blow their minds. Well at least the 3 people who read this, my blog is so lonely.....
I'll put the link up to final thing when its live....

Xbox 360 XNA Indie game project

In game Screen Shot, with concept lens flare and HUD system. But this is the game!

I've always wanted to make computer games. I used to draw up shitty long winded ideas on scraps of paper and send them off to Amiga game's company's like Ocean. I was five at the time and I imagine my ideas were laughed at by the adults there. Here i am now tho on the cusp of being 24 ,developing my very own Xbox 360 Indie game.

Making games was a reality for me for a short with with making iPhone games, but i didn't have enough creative control for it to be called mine, and there was never enough zombies.

Tho this dream has now been realised by an equally life long dedicated gaming fan Pertti Soomann, he's a genius programmer from Estonia who looks like a viking and is just as mean when sitting behind a keyboard and blasting the loudest metal Ive ever heard through his headphones into his oober brain.

We started this pet project together, me designing and him coding and we came up with this game idea. We've set up a game company name and a separate website so more will be explained and shown off there but for now here's some in game graphics and concept art.

This is the fully animated hero sprite for our game, we have a ridiculous amount of guns such as shotguns, Uzis, massive machine guns, flame throwers and swords. Its gonna be off the hook!

Another fully animated enemy sprite, your gonna have to kill a lot of crazy ass zombies in this arcade zombie survival shooter.

A Dog's Life -Halloween Edition

I haven't uploaded any of the dog cartoons I do for the monthly Cheltenham magazine for ages, but I was really pleased how next months Halloween edition came out.
You can check the local mag out every month online here: , its usually towards the back about page 156.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Summer Chick

Found a cool flowery pattern which I overlaid in photoshop to give it some texture, the pattern also worked as cool rose tattoos. Used some color burns and stuff to give it a bright and shiny look, hope you dig it. Tho her nose and arm look weird but can you do....


Abduzeedo is a website I visit a lot, not only does it have lots of cool free shit and tutorials it also has a daily inspirational images section where creative works from around the world are delicately selected and put on display in a neat little collection with of all the choicest cuts of artistic talent on the web.I submitted that Twitter image I created the other day and it got chosen! I feel pretty honoured to be part of it just cos some of the images that are chosen are mind blowingly good, so I don't feel like a complete failure today, which is always a good thing, check it out by clicking on the Abduzeedo header above!

Monday, 19 July 2010

Twitter The Movie

Inspired by the David Fincher movie; The Social Network i made a fake movie poster for Twitter The Movie, i included two with different filters as i couldn't decide which was better

Friday, 16 July 2010

Concept Art

These are some concept art images I made for some older work projects, which can also be found on my work blog here:

Friday, 4 June 2010

Fenchurch T Shirt Competition

I entered into a Fenchurch T shirt competition and one of my designs was chosen to be shortlisted, please click on the link above and show some support!!!

You'll have to scroll down to the pink ladies t shirt which says Steve Bridger above it...cheers!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Vote For A Shirt!

Dead Already - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

One of my designs is being voted on to be made into a shirt on, click the link above, sign up and vote, I wont win but ill continue to make shirts that i could do with your votes and help with so signing up isn't the worst things in the world, right?

Friday, 16 April 2010



Buy a Shirt!

You can now buy t-shirts with some of my designs slapped on them! Ive started up an account on too and ill post a link as soon as my designs are accepted and what not. The shirts are so expensive cos i wanted a ridiculous royalty rate, I've gotta pay for my drug habit some how...
I'll you know when I add any more to the collection

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Tshirt Design

I wanted to try a different style and play with some really flat colours, I'd quite like to do some t shirt designs, i think something like this would work nicely, I'll add some more when I get round to it...

Monday, 12 April 2010

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Zombie Batman & Joker

This was going to be a Halloween post but I never got round to doing it, I really wanted to draw batman and the joker as zombies, these are taken from rough ass sketches I did and I fiddled about with them in Photoshop. I love Batman so much, and I love zombies, why not merge the two...

Blood & Rockets

I've missed updating a few months of the Cheltonian but I was pretty pleased with the style of the last two so I thought I'd pop it on here. The editor is a surprisingly easy going guy for someone who runs a classy magazine, he let me put blood, violence and a rocket in a horse's arsehole for recent issues so he's a stand up guy in my books.

This was the issue during which the bankers were taking massive bonuses so I drew shadow chasing down bank mangers with swag bags and chopping them into bits. Political satires brilliant isn't it...

The editor came up with the horse's name Sphincter Surprise which I was shocked and delighted by.

Where The Wild Things Were

To promote the movie adaptation of 'Where The Wild Things Are' a Yowl Booth toured the country. (Yowl is like a howl and a yell, makes more sense if you see the film...) Inside this booth kids or adults would go inside and 'yowl' as loud as they could at a large TV screen which showed a tranquil woodland scene similar to that in the movie. The louder participants yelled the more destruction would impact the forest, at the end the people in the booth was given a marks out of ten and told how loud they yowled.

You can see an example of this in the link below or at the top, tho I find screaming children extremely annoying so i wouldn't recommend watching for too long.

Screaming kids locked in a booth sounds sinister but at Nerv we had to make the visuals for the on screen animation. Below is some screen shots from the final animation I made, the images don't really do it justice as hundreds of leaves and branches whirled around in an intense way but just being involved with a Spike Jonze film to this tiny degree was awesome! Though animating it did nearly kill me, still im better now....